Information Technology


This department connects the concept of information technology with computers and informatics. Computers and informatics are the physical means that IT covers. Today, the meaning of the term "information technology" has become widespread and involves many aspects of computing and technology and covers many areas. The IT specialists have a variety of tasks, from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and data bases.

The Information Technology Department is located on the ground floor and first floor of the Central Library. It includes 2 sections:

Information Hall: It has 40 computers for searching in databases, using the Internet, and so on. It is on the first floor.

Computer Sections: It contains 20 computers for special searches in library resources and book requests. They are on the ground floor and the first floor.


 Activities in this department:

1. To identify, review, and propose the purchase or supply of hardware components, software requirements for different parts of the library, and all equipment needed to mechanize Central Library services.

2. To extend, maintain and update the cable network and the wireless network (WiFi) of the Central Library.

3. To repair and fix the problems of all computers and their accessories, used by students and staff of the Central Library.

4. To design and update the Central Library website.

5. To post news and events of the Central Library and other research centers on the website of the library.

6. To provide Documentary Services (DSS), including the provision of scientific resources not purchased by the University of Tehran based on the request of researchers by e-mail.

7. To answers students' questions about access to electronic scientific resources, including how to search articles in databases.

8. To hold training classes on the use of databases to make the best use of scientific resources.

9. To digitize publications (E-journal), including the old Persian newspapers and magazines, so that users can have access to them by clicking on the desired ones.

10. To Organize, arrange and deliver CDs or DVDs along with books.


 Director of the Department: Yahya GholamHossein Kashi

 Tel: +98(21)61113256 
