

This department publishes, collects, organizes and maintains the most important sources of knowledge and information tools based on the information needs of the community. The purpose of the Central Library and Documentation Center is to provide services to the faculty, researchers, and students. The Central Library plays a very crucial role in the knowledge production cycle. It maintains valuable Persian and Latin resources that are of high archival value. The resources cover fields of humanities and social sciences including politics, history, geography, law, and art with the emphasis on Islamic studies, Iranian studies and oriental studies. Provision of resources in this department is also made through purchase from various publishers, donation, as well as exchange.


 Periodicals department includes 4 related sections:

1. Technical Services Division of Periodicals: This section is located on the ground floor of the Central Library. The organization of Persian and Latin journals in this section is based on the Anglo-American cataloging rules, in accordance with the Library of Congress, as well as the National Library of Iran. After entering this section, resources are reviewed, selected, and cataloged to be ultimately searched and retrieved by the visitors. At the beginning of each year, the archives of the previous year are also packaged and collected for shipping. After the binding, the information is sent to the Central Library system, then it is prepared and sent to the relevant repository.


In this section, this year's archive of magazines and monthly archives of newspapers are   available to customers. Also, the services of scanning and digital publications are also provided in this section.


2. Publications Hall: This hall is located on the ground floor of the Central Library. In this section, 300 titles of current archives magazine (the second edition) and 18 newspapers that are daily purchased are available to customers. At the end of each day, the newspapers are transferred to the technical service department and at the end of each month, the monthly archives are collected and transferred to the binding department. After binding and entering the information of each volume in the Card and the library system, the corresponding repositories are accessible to visitors.


3. Seventh Floor Repository: Located on the seventh floor of the Central Library, it maintains, archives and supplies all Persian, Arabic, and other Oriental languages ​ magazines. The collection of publications held in this section is one of the largest and most valuable collections of Persian periodicals of the Qajar period. The journals in this repository are based on the classification system of the Congress Library, so the titles are organized according to the release date. The resources available in this section include 2570 titles of Persian journals including 30,000 binding journals and 1937 Persian and Arabic newspapers including 8700 binding journals. It is worth mentioning that from these resources, the scanned versions have been provided to have better services and prevent potential physical damage. So far, 483 titles of journals and 620 titles of newspapers have been scanned, organized, and stored in the storage space, and then backed up. Selection of resources for scanning is based on the needs of visitors as well as the historical priority of resources. 

It should be noted that 256 titles of journals and 54 titles of newspapers from the Qajar, Pahlavi and Pahlavi periods are also digitized and are available to visitors. You can find Information about each title at


4. Fifth Floor Repository: This repository specializing in the maintenance of periodicals for magazines and newspapers in English and other Latin languages ​​is located on the fifth floor of the Central Library. The journals in this repository are classified according to the Congress Library system.  Search and retrieval of available resources in this section is possible through the comprehensive library system. It contains nearly 2550 titles of journal and 102 titles of newspapers. Since 2005, focusing on the purchase of Latin databases, the provision of archival services beyond this date takes place in the information Technology department.

5. Resource Services: It is from Saturday to Wednesday (8 am to 6 pm). Magazines and newspapers are not lent; however, the scanned files of these resources can be purchased by visitors. In addition, they can have access to these resources via the following websites:


Mehran ashuri   Director of Department:

Tel: +98(21)61112842 
