Lending and Studying Services


Book Lending is done in two ways:

1. In the Library

2. Out of the Library

Book Lending: After registering the membership barcode and the book barcode in the library system, the applicant can check out the book in accordance with a deadline set by the library.


(Number of Books (Out of the Library)

Number of books (in the Library)


2 Weeks



Under Graduate Students

3 Weeks



Graduate Students

4 Weeks



Ph.D. Students

4 Weeks




2 Weeks




2 Weeks



Retired Staff of the University of Tehran


Extend and Return:

·  To extend the book please contact us: (098)61113268 and (098)61112908. The applicants need to know the barcode of the book. They can also book their requested resources. In case the applicants fail to take the books 3 days after their requested book has been reserved, the library can provide it to another applicant.

·  The borrower is required to return the book to the library on the date stated in the exit sheet.  If the borrowed book is not returned in due time, the borrower will be fined. Obviously, the member will be deprived of borrowing books until the fee is paid.

·  If the book is lost, the borrower is obliged to purchase the same book and return it to the library. If the book is rare and cannot be purchased, it should be prepared from other libraries.

·  Finally, if it is not possible to provide the book for any reason, the librarian needs to refer to the lending department to make a decision and act accordingly.

·  If the borrower has damaged the book, he/she need to compensate for damages.


- All students are required to check with the Central Library upon their graduation.

- Visiting faculty and guest students are required to obtain a bill of exchange from the Central Library before completing their course or training.

- Members of the Faculty are required to check with the Central Library and Documentation Center in case of termination of employment relationship (resignation, transfer, scientific mission and leave more than 3 months) and employees (resignation, transfer, retirement or leave more than 3 months).

- Undergraduate students who have not been a member of the library or have no books in the library can contact the library by sending a message to (098)9010945510.

Central Library Halls:

·   Iqbal Laohouri Hall (reference books): Persian and Latin reference books

·   Jamalzadeh Hall (Science and Technology): agricultural, industrial, and scientific books

·   The Abu Reihan Hall: literature, history, and art

·   Hall of Rashid al-Din Fazlollah Hamedani: Iranian Studies

·   Study Hall

-  It is forbidden to take any food and drink to these halls.


Repository 3: It is located on the third floor of the Central Library and Documentation Center.

Special Repository: It is located on the first floor of the Central Library and the Documentation Center next to the Reference Hall, and includes special books that are lent with the appropriate research requirements.

-  Entry to these two repositories is prohibited.

- Tariff Schedules for Services at different sections of the Central Library of University of Tehran